The colors of our personality

Personality & its facets
The new methodology of recruitment

Our methodology is based on the work of psychologist Carl Jung. According to this, every person is a mixture of intuition, sensation, feeling, thinking, extraversion and introversion. A standardized online test translates the most important personality traits of a person into a simple model.

In this way, we quickly gain an overview of our personality: Where do my strengths lie? What is important for me to be able to fully develop my potential? So if you want things to go right in a job, you need skills and personality. brings people and jobs together - faster and more specifically than with traditional methods. The validated personality analysis is an important part of this. Because in order to be successful and happy in a job, it's not just what someone can do that counts, but above all what makes them tick.



We all have our strengths, where we know exactly that they make us feel happy and successful. If we focus on them, everything becomes easier and we can be ourselves. Or don't you know what you enjoy and what drives you? You will find yourself in each of these 8 personality types. But in one more than in the other. Now find out which type fits which job, or which personality is in demand in the job. That's what matters - because only what has the same goal can be successful.


Implementers are creative and abstract thinkers who combine high analytical skills with a desire for results orientation. They need freedom to explore new ideas and approaches to solutions and the opportunity to test their results. Implementers generally take great pleasure in solving problems. They are often perfectionistic and theoretically oriented. Implementers high factual orientation means that they have rather little interest in interpersonal contacts.


Initiators are decisive, forward-looking and demanding personalities who are strongly committed to their goals. Their strong factual orientation and clear emphasis on reason lead to a results-oriented approach to solving problems. Initiators develop ideas and vigorously drive their implementation. They prefer variety and change. They love challenges that move them forward.


Motivators place equal value on results and good interpersonal relationships. They don't like detailed work, they focus on the big picture. They need a variety of activities and tasks and like to complete them as part of a team. They are dynamic, decisive and considerate. Challenges spur them on. They are characterized by a mostly positive basic attitude and high communication skills.


Inspirators are sociable and seek a pleasant social environment in which they can make and maintain a variety of contacts. They are enthusiastic, socially adept and benefit from their network. Inspirators are rhetorically skilled and can sell themselves and their own ideas with conviction. They are optimistic and mostly see the good in every person and every situation. In a team they have a balancing effect.


Consultants are warm-hearted, tolerant and sociable people who strive for positive relationships with their fellow human beings in both their professional and private lives. They are good listeners, helpful and like to make decisions after consultation; they like to solve tasks as part of a team. Consultants are demanding, consistent by nature, and encourage others. They appreciate a stable environment and usually maintain composure.


Supporters are sociable and consistent people, they value harmony. In their work environment, they develop close relationships with individuals or small groups of colleagues. The main goal of their activities and endeavors is to maintain familiarity and create a predictable and secure environment. In their respective areas of expertise, Supporters are extremely efficient and perform their work with a high degree of consistency.


Coordinators are careful and conventional people who are both diplomatic and sincere. They often have high values, are loyal, disciplined and precise. Coordinators enjoy working in a consistent environment. They are often pragmatic, preferring operational activities to strategic tasks. Coordinators are characterized by patience and perseverance as well as a systematic way of working.


Observers have highly developed analytical skills. Their decisions are based on factual data and facts, which they weigh thoroughly. They are disciplined, conscientious and reliable. They prefer activities that require a high degree of accuracy and attention to detail. Observers are objective thinkers who combine information and facts, always looking for the "right answer." Social contacts are secondary.