With APROPOS.JOBS you focus on the essentials.

You can only win!

With each applicant we show you from the beginning which personality fits with the personality in the job profile. With apropos.jobs, you immediately focus on the best applicants, don't lose any time and get quality instead of quantity.

5 reasons worth using APROPOS.JOBS‍
1. You get customized matches that are validated
2. Interviews are reduced and become easier and more targeted
3. Sustainable motivation and productivity for your employees and you that pays off
4. Employees stay because they are optimally deployed and thus valued
5. ... and additionally you save a lot of time up to 80% and money 53+% (Test with our calculator!)

Read yourself why our happy customers recruit only with APROPOS.JOBS!

NK Media Ltd.

NK-Media deals with people and company wishes on a daily basis. Our employees must therefore function and communicate optimally with and for each other as a team. Recruiting the right personality was the key to our young success.
We quickly learned that apropos.jobs was able to give us exactly the answers in recruiting that we initially only found intuitively and with a lot of risk. APROSPOS.JOBS helped us to minimize mistakes and risks and, above all, to close vacancies quickly. Saving costs and time in the process is essential for survival as a start-up. We can only recommend APROPOS.JOBS method. Co-Founder & CMO, Max Felner


As a start-up, we depend on a well-functioning team. With apropos.jobs, we were able to position ourselves optimally. Because we not only assessed new employees better from the start, but also got to know each other better as a team. Staffing new employees has never been so well-rounded and targeted, interviews focused and efficient, onboarding effective and integration much easier.
Involving the person behind the skills from the beginning has strengthened us as a team and company and significantly improved the quality of our recruiting. Apropos.jobs new method is the only one we will use in the future. Thanks to apropos.jobs we learned that it is not the quantity of applicants that matters, but the quality. Our first recruitment was good - the second and third were unique. HR, Clarette du Plooy

Digital go Ltd.

The culture and success of the company is shaped by our employee satisfaction. With apropos.jobs, it has become much easier to achieve our goals, as we now find the right personality for the right job right from the start. In addition, we have discovered applicants who, based on the skills match alone, would have gone unnoticed. Interviews and onboarding have been positively influenced and shaped by the new recruiting experience.
CEO, Founder, Marco Kohler