Consultants are warm-hearted, tolerant and sociable people who strive for positive relationships with their fellow human beings in both their professional and private lives. They are good listeners, helpful and like to make decisions after consultation; they like to solve tasks as part of a team.

Consultants are demanding, consistent by nature, and encourage others. They appreciate a stable environment and usually maintain composure.


Consultants are warm, understanding, and affable individuals who strive for positive relationships with those around them in both their professional and personal lives. They are demanding and solve tasks in cooperation with others. They are good team workers, but are very sensitive and may take criticism of their work personally. They havedifficulties showing authority to others if this becomes necessary. They find it difficult to make decisions without first consulting with others. They care more about people than completing tasks, and therefore do not believe that "the end justifies the means."

Consultants are steady by nature, which is often seen by others as slowness. They encourage others and in fact often care too much about their concerns. They dislike stress and want time to adjust to changing situations. They appreciate a stable environment where they can organize their work at their own pace. Counselors maintain composure in most social situations. People come to them because they can both listen and suggest solutions. They are well received by a large circle of acquaintances. Making decisions is more of a hassle for them - not so advice and support, because they are helpful and empathetic.

Understandingand affable

Intimate, low pressure, and helpful

Judges others by
Loyal, personality

Influences others by
Advice and action

Value to the company
Reliable, sincere

Exceptionally strong

Will work under pressure
Compliant, resentful

Conflict, strong pressure

Would bemore effective with more
Objectivity, less interference