Supporters are sociable and stable people, they value harmony. In their work environment, they develop close relationships with individuals or small groups of colleagues.

The main goal of their activities and endeavors is to maintain familiarity and create a predictable and secure environment. In their respective areas of expertise, Supporters are extremely efficient and perform their work with a high degree of consistency.

How can I help?

Supporters are affable, kind, steady people who get along well with others. Their moderate, controlled attitude makes them considerate, patient, and always willing to help those they consider their friends. They develop close relationships with a small group of colleagues in their work environment. Their efforts are directed toward maintaining the familiar and predictable. Supporters are most efficient in their area of expertise and perform work with remarkable consistency. They seek continuous recognition from others and are slow to adapt to change. They must be able to adjust internally first to maintain their willingness to perform.

Supporters also need help when it comes to meeting schedules. Projects are often set aside before they are fully completed. They are willing to always give more to help someone they feel connected to. They need help getting familiar with new ways of thinking and to leave well-worn paths, Supporters can become stubborn and unruly under pressure, potentially frustrating colleagues and supervisors.

‍Moderation and Adjustment‍‍

‍Controlled environment, as little change as possible‍

‍Judges others by

‍Influences others by
‍Consistency and kindness‍‍

Value to the company
‍Predictable, Keeps steady pace‍

‍Particularly strong
‍Lowrisk-taking, passive resistance to change

Working under pressure
‍Submissive to superiors and colleagues‍

‍Change, disorganization‍

Would be more effective with more
Willingness to share, more Self-confidence through feedback